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in collaboration with "LAPO" ASSOCIATION

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a.a. 2022/2024  XI Edizione

Scheda Informativa, Piano di Studi, Cronoprogramma sono pubblicati sul sito dell’Università ;
domanda di iscrizione attiva dal 11/08/2022 ore 09:00:00 al 16/12/2022 ore 12:30:00;

inizio delle lezioni 20 febbraio 2023.

Quota iscrizione I anno: € 3.000,00 e II anno € 1.900,00.

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Duration: two years, ECTS Credits: 90

consistent with the National Guidelines on Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI)

inclusive of the whole scheduled training for the specific professionals

accredited at National level


ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATE IN AAI specific for the individual professionals



UNIVERSITY MASTER IN TR", now called “UNIVERSITY MASTER IN AAI: TR” is set up since a.y. 2002/2003 up until today and comes from the conversion of the previous “University Advanced Course in TR: Education/Training” a.y.1999/2000-2000/2001; biennial, 90 University Credits-ECTS (see in detail Information, Programme Bibliography, Teachers); it is organised every two years by the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Florence with the collaboration of the "Lapo" Association, which, through a special agreement with the University, has officially become a partner for the organisation of teaching activity and of practical training at its accredited TR Centres. It represents one of the first university experience in TR on the world-wide level.


Organisation:        Lectures: University Educational Centre, Firenze

Theoretical-Practical activity: at accredited Lapo TR Centres

3 Theoretical Practical Workshops (one week each): Integrated Vaulting (Mantova), Sport Riding for the Disabled (Aosta), Horse management and riding (Aosta)

Internship of 150 hours in TR at accredited National Lapo TR Centres.



A) Curriculum Requirements:- University Degree - University Diploma in one of the following areas: social/health care, rehabilitation, and education or equivalent professions.

B) Horsemanship Requirements: good riding ability even not on competitive level (comparable to a FISE (Italian Equestrian Federation) Horse Riding License B and good knowledge of horses. Candidates who do not possess F.I.S.E. Horse Riding License B must acquire them during the 1st year of the course).



providing in-depth cultural education and training in the fields of AAI and specifically in EAAT with particular attention to the  methodology of application, child neuropsychiatry, neurology, psychiatry, sensorineural disorders, psychology, orthopaedics, EAAT/TR rehabilitation and re-education, EAAT/TR methodology, veterinary medicine, horse biomechanics, horse management/welfare and riding necessary to conduct EAAT/TR activities and to acquire the indispensable theoretical-practical competencies required for multi-disciplinary integration within the TR team.

The University Master programme provides a wide and in-depth theoretical-practical training required to the TR treatment and basilar subjects are specifically dealt with:

  • main clinical features of the disability in neuromotor disorders (specifically spasticity, dystonia, ataxia, mixed forms, neuromuscular disorders), in sensorineural disorders, in mental disorders and intellectual disability (particularly ID, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder);

  • TR methodology from a general point of view and specifically in the different disorders providing a large space for the different application techniques (theoretical-practical training) and for the assessment of the results;

  • Analysis of the morphological, behavioural, biodynamical characteristics of the horse and choosing criteria according to the different disorders of the subject.

In addition to the above programme, according to the National Guidelines for AAI (2015), University Master is also inclusive of their whole training path (Preparatory Course, Basic Course, Advanced Course) for the specific professionals: Project Manager, Person in Charge of intervention, Horse Handler, Veterinarian expert in AAI.


Ongoing and final exams on AAI, Neuropsychiatry, Rehabilitation, TR, Veterinary Medicine, Horse management, and riding. Evaluation of the Internship

Final Thesis: consists of a written elaboration and an oral discussion provided of an assembly of serial video recordings relative to the follow up of a subject personally followed during the TR training and of the evaluation of the results.

Compulsory attendance.

Language: Italian.



  • MASTER DEGREE IN TR: setting up and training the professional figure of “Therapeutic Riding Technical Coordinator” (role: setting up and organizing of a TR Centre; coordination and conduction of TR activities in collaboration with the TR team; collaboration in the training of TR professionals and in TR training courses) (Rectorial Decrees)

  • ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATE in AAI, accredited at the National level, specific for the individual professionals according to the National Guidelines for AAI: Project Manager, Person in Charge of Intervention, Veterinarian expert in AAI, Horse Handler.


TR= Therapeutic Riding

EAAT= Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies

EAI = Equine-Assisted Intervention,

EFI= Equine Facilitated Intervention

TR, EAAT, EAI, EFI have an equivalent meaning.


AAI= ANIMAL ASSISTED INTERVENTION is a goal oriented and structured intervention that intentionally includes or incorporates animals in health, education and human service (e.g., social work) for the purpose of therapeutic gains in humans. It incorporates human-animal teams in formal human services such as Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT), Animal Assisted Education (AAE), or under certain conditions Animal Assisted Activity (AAA)». IAHAIO White Paper 2014, 2018.

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