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2017 - 2021


Prof. Anna Pasquinelli

Associate Professor of Child Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Florence; Associate Professor at the Child Neuropsychiatry Department, University of Florence, responsible for Neurology and Rehabilitation; former Director of the School of Specialization in Child Neurology and Psychiatry, President of the Bachelor’s Degree in Therapy of Child Neuro and Psychomotricity; Director and Professor at the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions - Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence; EAAT/TR (Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies/Therapeutic Riding) Project Manager; EAAT/TR Person in Charge, Horse Handler; former Member of the FRDI Medical Subcommittee; Member of the Executive Committee of the FISE (Italian Federation of Equestrian Sports) Department of Therapeutic Riding  - Florence.



Giovanna Rabbia Piccolo

FISE President of Valle D’Aosta Region; Founder and Director of the Lapo TR Centre AVRES, Nus (Aosta); former Coordinator of the FISE Department of Therapeutic Riding; FISE 2nd Level Equestrian Tourism Instructor, specialized in Therapeutic Riding; FISE Equestrian Sports Judge; CIP (Italian Paralympic Committee) Equestrian Inspector; FISE Classifier for Para-equestrian Sports; FISE 2nd Level Paralympic Horse Riding Instructor; Horse Handler; Professor and Tutor at the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions - Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence - Nus (Aosta).



Dr. Silvia Silvi Barducci

Therapeutic Riding Technical Coordinator (University Master in Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence); CIP Riding Instructor; Horse Handler; Founder and Director of the Lapo TR Centre “Il Caprifoglio”, Impruneta (Florence); Professor, Tutor and Member of the Master Committee at the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence - Florence.




Dr. Paola Allori

University Researcher in Child Neurology and Psychiatry, Chair of Child Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Florence, specialized in Therapeutic Riding (TR Training Course for Physicians specializing in Child Neuropsychiatry, Chair of Child Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Florence); former Coordinator for Practical Training at the Bachelor’s Degree in Therapy of Child Neuro and Psychomotricity; Professor and Member of the Master Committee at the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence  - Florence.


R.I. Maria Ignazia Marras

FISE 2nd Level Horse Riding Instructor specialized in Sport Riding for the Disabled, Pony  Animator, CIP 2nd Level Technician, FISE TR and Paralimpic Riding Regional Committee Contact Person; Horse Handler; Founder and Director of the Lapo TR Centre “Equestrian Centre Entella” Carasco (Genova)  - Genova


Dr. Giovanna Mazzotta

Child Neuropsychiatrist at Child and Adolescent Health Care Service, Bologna; Psychotherapist; Therapeutic Riding Technical Coordinator (University Master in Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence); EAAT/TR Project Manager; EAAT/TR Person in Charge; Founder and coordinator of a Project in EAAT/TR for children affected by neuromotor and mental disorders followed by the Health Care Service; Founder and Director of the Lapo TR Centre “Hippo-Vie- Percorsi con asini e cavalli”, Bologna; Professor and Tutor of the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence  - Bologna


Dr. Barbara Montagnana

Physiatrist, Rehabilitation Centre “Claudio Santi”, Don Calabria Institute, Verona, specialized in Therapeutic Riding, Therapeutic Riding Technical Coordinator (First University Advanced Course in Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence); EAAT/TR Project Manager; EAAT/TR Person in Charge; Horse Handler; FISE 2nd Level Vaulting Instructor; National Vaulting Judge; CIP Riding Instructor; Professor at the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence  -  Verona.


R.I. Andrea Piccolo

FISE 3rd Level Horse Riding Instructor specialized in Dressage and Therapeutic Riding; FISE 3rd Level Equestrian Tourism Instructor; National FISE Dressage and Jumping Judge; FISE 3rd Level Paralympic Riding Instructor; former Head Coach of the Italian Paralympic Equestrian Team; Professor at the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence - Monza (Milan).


Dr. Maria Elena Rondi

Doctor of Laws, specialized in TR, Therapeutic Riding Technical Coordinator (First University Advanced Course in Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence); Horse Handler; CIP Riding Instructor; Equestrian Tourism Instructor 2nd Level with specialization in Integrated Equestrian Sports; Member of Italian District of Panathlon International; Founder and President of the Lapo TR Centre “Sogni e Cavalli”, Pavia; Professor and Tutor at the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions - Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence - Pavia.


Dr. Claudia Vinti

Doctor in Educational Sciences, specialized in TR, Therapeutic Riding Technical Coordinator (University Master in Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence); CIP Equestrian Inspector and Instructor; FISDIR (Italian Sports Federation for Persons with Intellectual Disability) National Horse Riding Coach and Trainer; FISE Assistant Instructor;

Paralympic Horse Riding Instructor; Person in charge of EAE (Equine Assisted Education); Horse Handler; Founder and President of the Lapo TR Centre “Equitazione per Tutti”, Roma; Tutor at the University Master in Animal-Assisted Interventions - Therapeutic Riding, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence, at the University of Psychology “La Sapienza” and of Educational Sciences, Rome  - Fiumicino (Rome)

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