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Associazione "Lapo"
Non-Profit Italian Association of Families, Bodies, and Professions
against Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases
in Childhood and Adolescence

Since 1993 Lapo Association, with its specific Section for Study, Updating, Research in Therapeutic Riding (TR) and Sport Riding for the Disabled (LRE Section - Lapo TR Section) is directly involved in TR activity, currently named Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT) (PATH Intl) or Equine-Assisted Interventions (EAIs) or Equine Facilitated Interventions (EFIs), both through the promotion of many initiatives concerning development and technical-scientific updating and research on TR, and education/training (from1996/today) of the EAAT/TR Professionals with the collaboration of the University of Florence.
This extensive activity has been carried out at the National and International level and has resulted in the National and International recognition of Lapo Association as an Italian reference point for TR. Since 1998 Lapo Association was recognised as National Representative Member for Italy, Federation Member, by FRDI, currently named HETI (Federation of Horses in Education and Therapy International), that represents the International EAI/TR Organisation.
Lapo Association has set up Education/Training Courses for TR Therapists/Instructors with the collaboration of the University of Florence both as Official Partner for the “University Master in EAI/TR”, biennial (from 1999/today) and as Organiser of the “Theoretical Practical Course in EAI/TR”, annual (from 1996/today)
In Italy, in 2015, as part of the Agreement between the Government and the Regions on Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) (TR is included in the AAIs), the first National Guidelines were drawn up. Consequently our TR Course and Master are inclusive of their whole training path (Preparatory Course, Basic Course, Advanced Course) for the specific professionals: Project Manager, Person in Charge of Intervention, Animal Handler, Veterinarian expert in AAI. The Eligibility Certificates in AAIs, accredited at the national level are issued. These Certificates are mandatory to work in EAI/TR in Italy.
The Teachers of our Education/Training Courses are University Professors, social and healthcare professionals as Child Neuropsychiatrists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists specialized in EAI/TR, Therapists/Instructors of TR Centres, Horse Riding Instructors, Vaulting Riding Instructor, Equine Veterinarians specialized in EAI/TR and in Ethology.
Services for practical experience and internship: “Lapo” TR Centres accredited by University for their specific structural characteristics and quality of the Team; Equestrian Centres.

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